


Why do we let fear control us?

Why do we let fear run our lives? We'll listen to our fears instead of facing them and plowing through them. We'll listen to our fears and back down when we should push through to achieve success.

We'll listen to our fears when we should love instead.


Both men and women are susceptible to it. 

Something starts going good, you get scared, and you look for a way to mess it up. This can happen consciously or subconsciously, though usually it's sub.

"It's just too good to be true."

That statement is a statement of self-sabotage.

Stop it. Enjoy when things are going well. Life brings enough problems, don't add on to them by wrecking what's good.
You've got your entire past of bad memories anchored to your mind forming your current belief system. This is what you now believe about yourself. This is where you draw from to say "I can" or "I can't" do something here in the present and in the future.

It's a common thing. Everyone has good and bad experiences. These experiences, throughout our life are anchored to certain actions or events in our life. For instance, you were traveling through a certain intersection when someone turned in front of you. Now, every time you travel through this same intersection, feelings of fear and dread flow through you, along with you being extra aware of all the traffic at this intersection. You may even still EXPECT someone to turn in front of you again. This is because the even is tied to this intersection, or ANCHORED to you this way. This is what an anchor is.

In dating and seduction we use anchors as well, but we try to make those anchors positive. In other words, is the girl enjoying being with you? Good, then give her a cute nick name, or take her to a fun place, or do something memorable so that she anchors that good memory with you. 

Well, when we deal with our past, the years that have led to this moment in your life, you already have tons upon tons of anchors in your mind from all of your life experiences. These anchors usually tend to be negative for most people. These anchors form your current belief system, in other words, they form the ideas of what you think you can and can't do now, at this point in your life.

It's time to free yourself from these anchors. What you've done in the past has no effect on what you can do now. What you can do now is only limited by what you believe you can do and what action you take to make things happen in your life now.

Form some new anchors. Positive ones.

I'm still contemplating whether I should put everything on this one or continue adding to that one as well. So, while I'm waging this mental battle of my own . . . check out that blog. Who knows . . . you may even like it . . . heaven forbid you actually learn something ;)
We all have certain crossroads in our lives. We come to this pivot point and have to choose which way to go. Some of us sit there and ponder . . . for days . . . or weeks . . . or even months, before making a move. Some of these crossroads will actually wait that long. Others will not. And, some of us can actually make split second decisions. We all need to learn that trick, or some would call it a skill. Which ever lingo you want to use, there you have it. 

So, back to these crossroads. I know you've had some yourself, and will have more of them. Be ready, they come at unexpected times usually. I've had several in this short journey. Some have been fun, with consequences, others have been not so fun . . . with consequences. I know, you want to know what these consequences are. 

Well, I guess that's what I'm here to share, eh? 

Some of my early crossroads led to some lonely nights . . . others led me down the path of having 3 serious relationships at one time. Yep, sounds like fun. Well, there are elements that are fun, but overall, it's a headache really. 

I want to touch on this serious relationship thingy. It's a dream for some guys, yet an achilles heal for others. For me, it's the whole point. One serious relationship with one woman who gets me. However, it's impossible to get to this point unless you know what you are looking for, and that's impossible to know unless you've had a bit of experience. So, "play on playboy" some would say. 

In reality, it's not at all like that. Sure, us guys get a bad rap because of the players out there. But, truthfully, even if a guy is dating multiple girls, it does not mean he's playing them. Not at all. Just as girls can date multiple guys and swear up and down they aren't actually "involved" with them, so a guy can do the same. But, I know, society doesn't want to see it that way. 

Well . . . fuck society. That's just how I feel about that. If people want to be blind to the truth, you're not likely to open their eyes with logic . . . or even common sense. So, do something more productive with your time. 

The end goal: To have a different girl every night of the week, to have the variety, to have none of the girls get to know you on the deepest, most intimate level . . . or, to have one girl with you every night of the week, have less variety as far as different bodies against you, but having that ultimate deep connection with one particular girl that completely gets you. 

Which would your choice be? I've been on both ends. 

Now, I'm not knocking the idea of having different girls at your beckon call. If that's suitable for you as well as them (yes, for both parties), it's all fine and good. 

I'm like that Hitch character played by Will Smith though, I actually have a set of morals and guidelines that I go by, though most looking in from the outside would disagree with that. 

Oh well, that's their shame and peril. 

Have you ever loved and lost? Have you ever had "the one" slip away? Yep, been there too. How do you resolve that? Ahem, still working in that area. I'll let you know . . . maybe, if it doesn't reveal to much of me. Hope you can take a joke by the way . . . 

I'll leave you tonight with this thought . . . if you have more than one girl waiting on your call, waiting on your presence with her . . . that on any night you have those choices . . . some of those girls will end up lonely . . . and go elsewhere. Maintenance. High maintenance. Are you prepared for that? Or, are you encouraging that? 

Until next time, I hope you enjoy the inner workings of my mind . . .
This is the seed of what will be my book on my Dating and Seduction Coach career.

As a Dating Coach, AKA Dating Doctor, I have many thrills . . . and chills. I see guys and girls at their best . . . and worst. As a part of my profession, body language, mindset, and wording is watched and taught. 

I'm the one that tells the guy standing in the corner with a drink covering his chest, to drop the drink and get on the floor and socialize. Not only do I tell him to do this, however . . . I teach him how to do it, partially by example with me demonstrating the skills myself. 

I have the joy and pleasure of working with guys from each end of the spectrum. Those that have no guts whatsoever to those who can meet a girl and in less than an hour have her in his bed. I also have the adventures of working with women who are trying to learn how to flirt . . . and how to filter the guys that aren't worth it. 

All in all, it's fun work. It's also not something everyone can do because not every has the ability to teach. With that said, I honestly believe everyone can learn these principles and put them into effect for themselves, in their own lives. 

I teach guys the basic principles of attracting females, making them comfortable with you, and seducing those that are interested in going there with the man. Along with this, girls are taught by me what to watch for from these guys, to make sure they're not being played. 

I know the signs, from both genders. I also know the misconceptions. Such as . . . how you dress matters, but it matters less and less the more confident you are. Im my field, we call this confidence Inner Game. We have a language all our own that you most likely would not recognize if you know nothing about this field. With that said, don't have the mistaken impression that I'll teach you all the language, or all of the secrets of my field. Nope, not the purpose of this book. But I will let you in on the inside of some things. 
Low self-esteem. It's not mutually exclusive to either sex.

And, mirroring this low self-esteem happens as well. We ALL have insecurities within us. These insecurities are just waiting to pop out at inconvenient times. However, you can't be worried about this happening. You have to stay in the moment and not live in that fear. Just realize the insecurities are there. Honestly, you should know your insecurities anyway and work on them. Anyway, these things tend to mirror the same insecurities in other people.

When us as guys are handling women that have insecurities, it tends to get frustrating. However, flip that around . . . if you have insecurities, it likely gets frustrating for her as well. Just realize, even a QUALITY girl will have insecurities, somewhere. Understand that. It's human nature. Don't knock her for it. Understand it. Help her move past it