I scoured the net for guest posters for my blog. I searched far and wide for authors ranging from the cream of the crap to the cream of the crop. I figure, maybe my little blog/site can give each of us a sporting chance at a sale or two.

So if you, as a reader, are at all intrigued about a guest post I have featured, please click on their book link on my sidebar and patronize their work. Don't worry, I don't get a single red cent for any copies of their work sold through my website. None. And I'm OK with that. If I can connect an author with a new reader, I've accomplished my goal.

And now, a word from Mr. Doug Nelson:

I was born in North Dakota. When my Dad got out of the Army Air Core we moved to the Chicago area. As a young teen, I and 4 of my closest friends were responsible for more than a few gray hairs on my Dad’s head. We were not Bad kids, but we managed to entertain ourselves quite well, without the Nintendo or X-Box. My book ‘The Crazy Things We Did’ gives you a glimpse of what that was like. 

My childhood sweetheart, Sandy, up and married some guy I didn’t know, so I joined the Air Force to get even. “Go Figure.” The crazy stuff didn’t end, and Biloxi Mississippi was a hoot, Beach parties, building a 34 foot boat, fast cars and, you thought I was going to say Fast Women, didn’t you? I was way too shy talk to a girl, let alone kiss one. In retrospect that’s probably why Sandy married someone else. 

One day I got orders for Thailand and I figured ‘So this is how it all ends’ and ‘Jack Brass In Country’ is what resulted from 18 months in Southeast Asia. Here again, looking back it wasn’t so bad, but it was plenty scary at the time.

After my 6 years were up with Uncle Sam I took a job with IBM before settling on a career in Electronics. After an enjoyable 40 years as an industrial engineer I tried my hand at gardening and contracting for a while then In 2007 I went out to eat with my family at a Chinese restaurant. After dinner the server brought the bill and 3 fortune cookies. I don’t normally put a lot of stock in what fortune cookies say, but I read them anyway. This particular Fortune cookie didn’t look any different than the hundreds I have opened before. There was some Chinese scrimshaw on the back along with the English translation. I turned it over and read, YOU HAVE SO MANY STORIES, YOU SHOULD WRITE A BOOK, so I did. I enjoyed it so much I wrote a bunch more.

All in all I have had a very enjoyable life, a loving family, and a fantastic cook for a wife. When it finally comes my time to see what lies beyond I will not be in a hurry but I have no regrets, I think of anything I wish I had done.

Douglas L Nelson

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